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Programme for 2025

JANUARY 4th – Tales of the Unexpected

Members read their tales of the supernatural by candlelight. Launch of the Jack Kendall Competition.

JULY 5th – Workshop 2

Content to be decided.

FEB. 1st –  Speakers: Bradley Mills & Tony  Cranston. 

Bradley Mills will talk about administrating a website and other related issues. Tony Cranston will talk about’ Talking Stories’, the UK’s global radio programme for listeners and tellers of tales, myths and legends.

MARCH 1st – Workshop 1

Members’ write their profiles.  

Jack Kendall Competition closing date.

AUGUST 2nd In House Speaker: Patrick Forsyth

Circle member, Patrick Forsyth, will talk about marketing..

SEPTEMBER 6th – AGM and Writers' Showcase

Chairman’s report on the Circle’s year and the election of the committee. Members showcase their writing. Launch of the Frances Clamp Competition.

APRIL 5th – Writers' Showcase

An opportunity for members to read their work and receive advice and positive criticism. Winners of the Jack Kendall Competition read their entries.


Speakers: Kate Thompson and Caroline Lawrence

All day talk/workshop and buffet lunch.

MAY 3rd – Speaker: Andy Stuart

Author of novels dealing with WW1

NOVEMBER 1st  Writers' Showcase

Members showcase their writing. Frances Clamp Competition closing date. 

JUNE 7th – Writers' Showcase

An opportunity for members to read their work and receive advice and positive criticism.

DECEMBER 6th – Christmas Party

Winners of the Frances Clamp Competition read their entries.

Sale of members published work.

Brentwood Writers' Circle meets the first Saturday in the month, from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm.

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